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Chipotle Will Bribe Everyone To Try Their Braised Tofu

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softritas“I don’t like tofu, and you can’t make me eat it!” Americans and Canadians have said to Chipotle, ignoring the tofu that the chain introduced last year. “If you try it, I’ll give you a free burrito with meat in it!” Chipotle countered, striking a bargain like a clever parent. Will the chain’s customers take this deal? On January 26, we’ll find out.

That’s the day that Chipotle is making their try-it-you’ll-like-it offer. Customers are being invited to purchase and try a food item with braised tofu in it. They just have to try it. Whether they like it or they don’t, the receipt from that soy-laden visit will earn them a free burrito, bowl, salad, or tacos with any fillings they want. It can be tofu, or it can be something other than tofu. That’s up to you.

The free entrée deal starts the following day, January 27th, and lasts until the end of February. Of course, you have to remember to bring the receipt back, which adds an extra hurdle to this deal compared to Chipotle just giving free tofu burritos away.

I’ve tried Sofritas: it has good flavor and texture for a tofu, and is spicier than the chicken that I normally get. It’s worth a try even if that isn’t something you would normally order, and that’s exactly what Chipotle is doing here.

Sofritas Monday [Chipotle]

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3681 days ago
3685 days ago
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8 public comments
3684 days ago
Neat Chipotle Deal!
Fredericksburg, VA 22408 USA
3684 days ago
I feel like my circle of friends are already tofu friendly, so hey: they're giving buy one get one burritos.
Atlanta, Georgia
3685 days ago
I'm a meat eater, and I think the sofritas are really good. I will certainly be taking advantage of this offer.
3685 days ago
The sofritas is the best damn thing on that menu, I'm glad more people are about to realize this. Also, yknow, red meat is not a viable wide scale food source for the population. Or meat in general. And certainly not the way the animals are raised currently in any sort of large production farm factory. Any way you cut it: plants.
Portland, OR
3685 days ago
I can't say I'm an anti-tofu person, I've had it before and it isn't terrible. I suppose I could try it.
Colorado Plateau
3685 days ago
Sofritas is the only thing I eat at Chipotle. It is sooo good.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
3685 days ago
The sofritas at Chipotle are my favorite thing on the menu.
Richmond, VA
3686 days ago
Good. This widespread eating of cheap meat is killing us and the planet.